“Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter.” – Martin Luther King Jr.

Have you ever wondered what it’s like to win and lose at the same time? I previoulsy worked for a company that is a major defense contractor for the government. It is a white male dominating bureaucratic and political aeronautics industry. I never thought in a million years I would get the opportunity to work…

Miracles happen everyday.

Miracles happen everyday sometimes we see them and sometimes we don’t. Today was an exciting day partially because we were able to go to the beach and see the ocean and that I was able to spend time with my family. Mainly because an angel was looking over us today, and part of it I…

When you think you’ve made it.

We all get to a point where we feel like we are on top of the world. Life is handing us roses and sunshine and we are unstoppable. We are meeting our goals and potential is all around us. Then of course it starts to rain, the clouds hunt you for an endless amount of…

Here I go again…

Sometimes I wonder why I just can’t be normal. I always have to jump from a comfortable setting into something extremely left and highly risky. I’m leaving a very well paid job to go on the road and be with family for who knows how long. I am leaving a comfortable 2,200 square foot four…

Browned skinned woman.

Remember the phrase, “its not you its me” and how stupid it is? I hear this phrase all the time but in a racial context. A repetitive reasoning that the color of my skin is why life is harder, even if its’ not 100% true. Sometimes that voice wins and eludes me to think that…

Learning how to read

One of the most difficult things in being a parent is feeling helpless. I seem to experience this feeling consistently with each child. In particular my son has always did things in his own time and speed. Although he was born early which was definitely out of my control, he does everything at his own…

The story of the clothes you wear.

At 14 years old I asked my mother for a sewing machine because I was intrigued by being the creator of the items I wore. I taught myself to construct skirts and pillows without any training or schooling. My love for fashion started as a child; by default I was a model of wearing Sunday’s…

I’ve been invisible my whole life.

I’ve been invisible my whole life. I just didn’t know how to articulate it. In my childhood I illustrated it as a dim moon lingering over me hiding behind the shadow. It felt better in the background, tucked away like out of season clothing when you don’t have use for it. Maybe that’s why my…

How to make a blended family work.

Every blended family story I heard of in my lifetime seem to be an epic fail. Whether it’s the children’s fault, the parents, or the in-laws that cause the chaos and disturbance of the family, the results are a broken family picking up the pieces. There were times with my own family I thought we…

I feel for you girl.

I feel for you girl. You’re unsure of yourself. You’re in denial of your situation. It is worse than it seems. I feel for you girl. Even though you mean well, you are being used and walked over. Your worth isn’t being valued and your not appreciated for your wittiness. You don’t get the respect…