Down 25 Pounds in Eight Weeks: This is How I Did It

By MissGradStudent So I’ve been unhappy with my weight for about a year now, but my attempts to do anything about it were halfhearted at best. But being stuck in a rural city that I don’t like and in a job I’m less than happy with has given me a new type of motivation. It’s…

Made Inferior

By MissGradStudent They told me, when I was young, that education is the great equalizer. I could overcome my circumstances with thought, dedication, and handwork. So I worked. I took AP and IB classes. I went to a great college. I took the right internships and landed the right jobs. I isolated myself from my…

The Slow March to Death 

By MissGradStudent “In this life, you’ve got to know what you want. You have to visualize it, and then you have to pull it down. Want it, see it, take it.” – Zadie Smith, Swing Time I sometimes feel that I can see death happening. When I’m in a plane, driving, or doing mundane things…

Fathers be Good to Your Daughters

By MissGradStudent I usually don’t write reactionary posts or rants, but that description pretty much sums up what you’re about to read. — I love my mother fiercely.  To me she can do no wrong, even though I am aware that she is a deeply flawed human and even though I find her annoying at…

Just Shy of An Eating Disorder

By MissGradStudent I didn’t eat that much as a child.  I don’t think there was much to eat.  At the very least, there weren’t three meals a day.  There were Ramen noodles, fried boloney, and free meals at school.  When I did eat, I never ate much.  My mother called it “training your stomach.”  According…

How to Victimize a Woman

By MissGradStudent When I was a child, I had a nightmare.  On one side of me stood Freddy, and on the other side stood Jason.  They did nothing but stand there.  They made no moves towards me.  They just stood in a manner that suggested a desire to attack me.  I woke up screaming. I…

Repairing the Breaks

When I decided to come to Paris, as I sat in an Uber on the way to Logan Airport, I felt myself leave myself.  In that moment of separation, I knew that the next three months would whir by, and that at the end of it all, I would return to myself.  I would find…

Absence of Memories

Tonight is July 13th in Paris, the day before Bastille Day.  All around the city, all around me are festivals and parties.  But where am I?  Perched high in a windowsill overlooking a quiet part of city while drinking moscato and watching Perks of Being a Wallflower. I’m doing this, sitting here as I am,…

The Definition of Friendship

By MissGradStudent I’m reading The Idiot right now, which is scattering the hell out of my thoughts. There’s this one relationship in the book that happens online through emails, and the people don’t speak to each other and don’t seem to know how to speak to each other in real life. The guy carries a…